Profotos Staff Evaluation:
Conceptual stock photography
does not get any better than the images represented within the
portfolio of Stephen Johnson. The dynamic portfolio of this long-time
professional contains some of the best conceptual stock photography
work you will find anywhere. Stephen has a 20+ year history of
being in the business and the work in his portfolio is a reflection
of his dedication and commitment to excellence in the images
he produces.
Stephen's history in photography is filled with several large
assignments, including his position as the darkroom manager and
creative imaging department manager of Tony Stone Images. Along
with these demanding and prestigious positions, Stephen has also
built his own library of stock photography, which is now managed
by Tony Stone.
During the latter half of the 1990's, Stephen set up his own
photography consultation business, while shooting additional
stock work at the same time. The consultation offered by Stephen
is top-notch and available to anyone who is interested. Our staff
recommends Stephen's consultation to anyone who is interested
in learing more about the digital end of the photographic medium,
whether it be through creative digital manipulation, automated
processes through advanced programming, or even web site design.
Along with the excellent consultation offered by Stephen,
you will also find a master of photography. The images represented
here in Stephen's Profotos portfolio, are among the best conceptual
stock images found anywhere in the world! Click on the link below
and see for yourself, what perfection in digital imaging really
is: the portfolio of Stephen Johnson.