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© Emrick Garam

Member Since:
August 6, 2006

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Profotos Member Biography - Emrick Garam

Emrick Garam: A Trained Eye

I started photography as a young child. My father had a dark room, and I would develop film and enlarge pictures in B/W. I would borrow his cameras, especially the old CONTAX D SLR cameras. By then, I also train my eye by taking model drawing in the evening, in Paris, France. Then, I decided to travel in Latin America. I took many pictures especially of people with details on their everyday lives, exotic animals, original landscape, and objects. Each time I travel I‘d take my camera with me.

I have been to many countries, including Western Europe and Morocco, as Canada, US, Mexico, Central America and South America. I am passionate about observing people postures and movements, always observing them and my surroundings. With an artistic eye my favorite subject would be photograph people in action. I also like making good portrait. I love nature and work with nature and people to obtain appealing photos.


- I work with both artificial and natural lighting.
- Work in a short movie with Willard pew (Harpo in the Color Purple), assistant cameraman.
- Traveled in Latin America for a year and a half, from US to Brazil via Columbia, Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, Western Europe and Morocco with a camera.
- Develop and enlarged black and w films in a dark room for several years in Paris, France.
- Handled SLR cameras such as Contax E, Contax D, Nikormat, Canon. - Modeled as a fashion model in Fortaleza, Brazil.
- Took several “eye training” fine art classes in Paris and in Los Angeles, at LACC, and Cinema classes at LACC.


I now live in Los Angeles, California, since 1987. I was born and raised in Paris, France. My father and brother are both into photography and my mother is into drawing. My father is an artist painter, brother is an “eclairagiste” lighting engineer/ architect.

Work definition:

All effort and skills will be used to realize your project. Be it an individual, couple, or group portrait, or the portrait of an artist for the show-business industry, or the photo for the fashion industry, or a house and its garden, or a simple artifact, no matter how big or small the project is, the work will show and be of quality.


- I believe in that beauty is all around us.
- I believe to be able to share the wonders of the world through my work.
- I believe that beauty is in the simplest things, and all the people's faces.
- I believe that it is the client expectation that I most prize, not my own work.
- I believe that quality and courtesy are essential matters in success.

View Emrick's Portfolio

Sample Images from Emrick's Profotos Portfolio
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Information Source:
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Contact Info:
Los Angeles, CA  USA
PH: 323-537-6757

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