Elena Vasileva was born on November 2, 1975 in the city of Karkov, Ukraine. Elena completed the Kharkov college on design.
By trade it was not possible for me to work. I was completely carried away with the art of photography and I have connected life with a photo. I simply searched for my own sexuality and as it has appeared, it has become more peculiar to my nature. I remove and I remove, and futility of all my efforts to transfer my mood and style, are my theme. I aspire to open in the pictures feelings and sexuality of the real girl.
Also I can assure - all contents of my compositions, I experience with my models. In my pictures, there is the process of a new birth and new plots, which are embodied by the picures themselves. I know my photographs will encounter criticism, but I do not mind. I choose dark colors in the pictures, they to me are much closer, than pictures in colour.
In conclusion, I would like to share with you the following quote - "Talent is a God-given gift and success is something else. Talent and success are not necessarily connected with each other"
In June, 2005, a book of my photographs was published in Germany called "Behind My Eyes." My photos have been printed in the following magazines: Stern, Max, Black & White Photo, German "Vogue", Russian and Ukrainian magazines. My photos are on the site "PixiPort Fine Art Photography." I am now preparing for a new book of my work which will be published in New York in November.