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© Tobias Beharrell

Member Since:
August 27, 2004

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Profotos Member Biography - Tobias Beharrell

With interests in both journalism and photography (especially advertising, fashion, documentary, freelance, commercial and assignment work) Tobias Beharrell has enjoyed documenting historical ancient dinosaur footprints in the far reaches of the Mojavé and Colorado Deserts, and Asian documentary photography in Kowloon, Jordan and Hong Kong, China. His work has been showcased in such locations as Washington, D.C., Toronto and Vancouver (Canada), Berlin (Germany), Tokyo (Japan) and numerous private and public collections around the world. His publication credits include magazines, books, newspapers, web- and print-based advertising, and corporate publications.

Tobias Beharrell was recently honored with two "Outstanding Acievements in Professional Photography" awards for his nature and outdoors photography in Canada and the United States. Additionally, he was the recipient of four "Best Pictures of the Month" awards in an international competition in Tokyo, Japan for the month of October, 2004.

Most recently, and at the urging of collectors and photographic enthusiasts, Tobias has been adding to his fine art portfolio. He recently completed two photo essays, entitled Shades Of Expression and The Natural World, which are slated for release in 2005 as softbound collectors books.

From the blue waters of the Philippine Islands to the arctic nature of the Canadian prairies, Beharrell seems to find comfort with camera-in-hand regardless of location or subject. And his lifestyle, people and portraiture subjects are often eager to talk about the fact that the comfort Beharrell feels translates to them, too, making possible the creation of images exhibiting true feeling, unhindered emotion and vibrant spirit. Born in Vancouver, Canada, Beharrell says "It filled my senses with opportunity at every turn. It is a mixture of L.A. Seattle and Europe, but all in one place - it has taught me so much about experimentation and risk with imagery".

Tobias donates his time to charities such as the Parkinson Society of Canada and the Boys and Girls Club of Canada. As such, he is a proud member of the International Association of Documentary Photographers, which seeks to develop documentary projects of social value, especially those that assist charities and other non-profit groups in their public education programs. The I.A.D.P.'s mission is to "foster world-class documentary photography that has broad public impact and promotes social betterment."

The ProFotos group reviewed Tobias' personal website and photographic work in October, 2004, and "determined it to be among the best in the world for professional photography".

View Tobias's Portfolio

Sample Images from Tobias's Profotos Portfolio
Advertising, Commercial, Nature, Photojournalism

Information Source:
• View Portfolio
• Personal Website
• Client List

Contact Info:
Winnipeg, Canada
PH: 204-694-6233

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