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© Doug Hopfer

Member Since:
January 19, 2001

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10 Design / Website Creators

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Profotos Member Profile - Doug Hopfer

Profotos Staff Evaluation:

The field of professional photography contains several measures of ability within the medium, which are possessed by photographers. Some have the ability to produce striking images which cause their viewers to react with strong emotions and feelings. Other photographers have the ability to tell stories with their images, through documentary and photojournalistic work. Still, others have the ability to maniupulate the tools of the medium to produce exactly what they are after in their images, down to the very last detail within the frame.

To possess all three of these abilities, one must have all three of the following traits:

  • They must be a great listener, which gives them the ability to understand what drives people's emotions.
  • This person must also be a great story-teller, who is able to narrarate fluently and eloquently about their experiences.
  • Finally, this individual must also be a great photographer, who is able to interpret the situation around them and act accordingly with their photographic equipment to capture the best image possible.

We discovered all three of theses traits and abilities working in harmony, within the work of Doug Hopfer's portfolio. Doug's work in photojournalism has taken him to several points across the globe, where he has heard the peoples' voices, photographed their perils, and returned to speak about what he learned. Very few people have the overall ability to do this as well as Doug has through his work in the field.

Within Doug's portfolio, you will see images of everything from passengers on a Greyhound bus (from Doug's Greyhound Collage), to the nation-less Kurd peoples of Northern Iraq. All of these images work together to promote one common theme, which is central to Doug's purpose in photojouralism: finding peace in the midst of the storm.

Let us all realize the importance of our neighbors, not just next door or down the street, but across the oceans and across the globe. Our neighbors are Irish and Siberian, they are Mexican and Kurd, American and English...they are everywhere Doug Hopfer has been, and where he has not been. Our neighbors are...everyone. Let us strive to live in a world where peace is the only option.

View Doug's Portfolio

Sample Images from Doug's Profotos Portfolio

Information Source:
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• Client List

Contact Info:
1234 McDonald Drive
Garland, TX  75401  USA
PH: 972-864-5618

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