Member Since:
May 15, 2000
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- Steve Bloom
Profotos Staff Evaluation:
Featured Photographer - 06/00World-renowned wildlife photographer,
Steve Bloom, brings an awesome presence to the galleries at Profotos.
Steve's images are, without question, at the very pinnacle of
wildlife photography worldwide. Through Steve's images, one can
witness the lives of beautiful animals from around the globe,
in their natural form.
Steve recently published a major book entitled, "In Praise
of Primates," which documents the lives of man's closest
relatives. An excerpt from the introduction to Steve's book,
written by world-renowned primatologist, Dr. Jane Goodall, reads,
"Steve Bloom's photographs speak directly to the heart."
We could not have said it any better ourselves. The work in Steve's
gallery will move your heart and your soul.
Images from Steve's Profotos Portfolio
Info: |
Middlefield House
Olantigh Road
Wye, Ashford, Kent,
TN25 5EP
PH: 44-0-1233-813777