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© Roy Cox

Member Since:
January 28, 2003

Total Images:
30 Design / Website Creators

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Profotos Member Biography - Roy Cox

Roy Cox is a different type of photographer who possesses a unique style in his images. Roy's hard-hitting, edgy style of imagery is not something we see every day.

Roy is self-taugh professional photographer with long history in the visual art industry as a former television cinematographer / editor / director. His direct experience in professional still photography is less than 5 years, but do not let this timeframe fool you. Roy's photography skills are well developed and rival those of some professionals with 20+ years in the industry.

So what is it about Roy Cox's photography that makes it so special? In a word, it is the "lighting." The lighting style in Roy's images is harsh and direct. While this is usually not the type of lighting they teach you to implement in photography school, it does have an effective quality in Roy's images. Rules in photography are not absolute. On the contrary, we find that when the "rules" are broken, stunning results may result.

As Roy's photography skills continue to evolve and his portfolio of professional work grows, so does his list of clients. Roy's clients now include businesses and individuals nationwide. Roy's skills are diverse, as he concentrates primarily on fashion photography, he also shoots advertising, and portrait as well.

One of the aspects Roy enjoys the most in his work is the ability he has to work one-on-one with individuals during shooting sessions. It is during these sessions where the creative mind of a professional photographer can come alive.

If you are in need of a professional photographer who possesses the ability to make your next project look like it cost a million dollars to produce, then you need to contact Roy Cox. Roy's unique style of images and his laid-back, yet serious attitude are sure to satisfy even the most demanding professional image clientele. Check out Roy's portfolio to see what he can do for you - we gaurantee you will not be disappointed.

View Roy's Portfolio

Sample Images from Roy's Profotos Portfolio

Information Source:
• View Portfolio
• Personal Website

Contact Info:
95 Eastern Business Center
6801 Eastern Avenue Suite 104
Baltimore, MD  21224  USA
PH: 410.258.6230
FAX: 410.580.1208

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