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© Jan van der Woning

Member Since:
October 17, 2002

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22 Design / Website Creators

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Profotos Member Biography - Jan van der Woning

Jan van der Woning wanted to become a photographer when he made his first picture at age sixteen and became a professional at the age of 25 when he got his grade for photography from the Dutch “Fotovakschool”. He also studied at Hans Götze, now the Academy for Photography. He became a Professor himself at the Webster University.

Most of his work is commercial but in 1999 he started to make 360 degrees panoramic images and the work shifted more to editorial and interactive photography for websites and CD-Roms and DVDs. He speaks 3 languages fluently and 3 fairly well so communication during travel is not a problem. He travelled through many countries in Europe and North Africa like Ukrain, Tunesia and Marroco. He also was in Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Peru, Bolivia and Argentine. His last big expedition was to the Antarctic as part of an art project.

As most of the panoramas are too wide to show on this website, some of them, that look nice in small format are picked out and shown here. For the big ones and the Quicktime VRs you have to visit his website. The rest of the photographs are made with an Nikon SLR camera.

Jan likes to shoot landscapes and people. He thinks the nicest moment of the day is the twilight zone and a lot of his pictures are taken in this short but beautiful period. On the Antarctic the sun downs last for hours so this was a real “Eldorado”.

View Jan's Portfolio

Sample Images from Jan's Profotos Portfolio
Advertising, Nature, Stock, Travel

Information Source:
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• Personal Website
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Contact Info:
Kollenbergweg 2
Amsterdam, 1101 ar  Netherlands
PH: +31.20.6977150
FAX: +31.20.4513963

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