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© Giordano Stolley

Member Since:
July 1, 2002

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Profotos Member Biography - Giordano Stolley

I started off life as a budding accountant in Durban South Africa, but after failing my final examination I realised it wasn't meant to be. During the boredom of an accounting job in London I bought a camera and was hooked. I returned in 1993 to South Africa to study journalism started taking pictures of the all the upheavel that was taking place during the transition from apartheid (see whitefear.jpg).

But it was for my writing that I got picked up by one of the city's mjor daily newspapers. Before long the Daily News was allowing me to take my own pics for my stories - something I have done ever since. I had hundreds of pics published with them. A four year stint editing in London, Germany and Bangkok bored me again to death.

For the past three years I have lived in Bangkok, and this year, went freelance on a full time basis to make a living out of writing and photography. My freelance pics have appeared publications such as the the Vancouver Sun, the Baltimore Sun, the Sydney Morning Herald, the Dominion in New Zealand and been used by the German Press agency.

My speciality has to be news, and in particular "Catching people before they know you have clicked." People are just fascinating. Some times animals. Please don't ask me what setting I used for a picture - I work with a manual, but at the end of it, I have no idea what settings I used. I was too busy "Catching people."

View Giordano's Portfolio

Sample Images from Giordano's Profotos Portfolio
Photojournalism, Travel

Information Source:
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• Personal Website

Contact Info:
1510 Baan Chao Praya
Bangkok, 10600  Thailand
PH: 6692006077

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