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© Thomas Janowitz

Member Since:
March 22, 2002

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Profotos Member Biography - Thomas Janowitz

Wandering between the worlds - not only in one regard

30 years ago, at the age of 18, I got my first SLR - a Fujica. From then on I tried different cameras from Canon, Minolta, Nikon and Leica - partially wonderful cameras. But there was one thing that bothered me all the time: I didn't have immediate control over that what I was doing (so you can call me an impatient person). Three years ago I came into first contact with digital photography, but I wasn't convinced that much by the quality of the results. But the unbelievable improvement of that digital stuff however made me change my mind. So today I'm taking photos with a Sony F 707 which enables me to unite many advantages of an "old-fashioned" SLR with digital technology (logically I gained control of my impatience).

What am I doing? If I look at the categories of "" I really can't say where I belong to! Am I doing "fine-arts" or "travels" or "digitals" or what? Probably I find the truth in between the mixtue of all: of course I'm doing fine-arts, of course I find many of my motifs on journeys, of course I like architecture and of course I'm working on my shots with Adobe's Photoshop, but only to improve the starting photo: I never take different Photos and mount them to a new one - this is art, too - but not photography (in my "old-fashioned" point of view of what photography should be). With the total change to digital photography I also started to show my photos to the public and earn money with them. In my "other life" I'm teaching children - guess what? Computer studies and Art (among other things).

My favourite themes are urban and industrial spaces (the more rotten and ruined the better it is...) because they are so contrasting. I also like to make shots from people when they don't notice it...

View Thomas's Portfolio

Sample Images from Thomas's Profotos Portfolio
Digital, Fine Art, Travel

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Contact Info:
Mähderstr. 23
Reutlingen, 72768  Germany
PH: 07121-63968

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