A widely published photographer-writer, Kerry Drager is the content manager of BETTERPHOTO.COM. He also wrote the acclaimed book SCENIC PHOTOGRAPHY 101, published by Amphoto of New York. In 2002, Jilin Photographic Press produced a Chinese-language edition of the book.
In addition, he teaches two online photography classes at BetterPhoto.com:
His work has appeared in magazines, Hallmark cards and Sierra Club calendars, and in advertising campaigns for American Express and Sinar Bron Imaging. He is the photographer of the books THE GOLDEN DREAM and CALIFORNIA DESERT, and a co-photographer of Daybreak 2000 and Portrait of California. He also was profiled in the April 1994 issue of Outdoor Photographer magazine.
Also check out his website - www.kerrydrager.com - and his photography blog: Visual Creativity http://blog.kerrydrager.com