Member Since:
May 20, 2000
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Photography Books
Up to 50% off!
Click here
to visit our photo bookstore where you can order photography books
to help you creat better images. Treat yourself to the gift of better
photography through reading!
- Jeremy Dixon
Profotos Staff Evaluation:
Jeremy Dixon's advertising
photography portfolio is considered to be one of the best in
Australia, in the opinon of our staff. Jeremy's eye for detail
and considerable amount of talent has landed him assignments
with numerous, major corporations throughout his career. Recently,
he was given the assignment to photograph the coins and medallions
for the Sydney 2000 Olympics! Jeremy's work with coins and jewelry
is precise and very detail oriented.
One thing our staff realizes is just how difficult it is to
photograph coins and jewelry in the studio. There is always the
problem with glare and reflections from the polished metal surfaces.
Jeremy is a master at eliminating these problems and bringing
out the pure beauty of these precious metals and jewels. Along
with the coins and jewelry, the additional images in Jeremy's
portfolio are exceptional in their quality and detail. Using
a 4"x5" view camera for studio work, Jeremy is able
to capture an incredible amount of detail in the advertising
images he produces. The food images look edible! Jeremy's Profotos
portfolio will catch your eye. It definitely caught ours!
Images from Jeremy's Profotos Portfolio
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24 Leonard Street
Victoria Park,
PH: 0427 055 199