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© Francisco Morillo

Member Since:
September 12, 2001

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Profotos Member Biography - Francisco Morillo

My name is Francisco Arquimedes Morillo Pichardo, born at Santiago de los Caballeros city, Dominican Republic, on April 29, 1949. I became interested in photography in the year 1965, when my father gave me a camera Kodak Retina III. My photographer's studies started with Jaime Rivas, in Santo Domingo. We were studying photography black and white techniques and picture shots and development. I started classes at Casa de Teatro with Wilfredo García, but did not finished. In 1978, I moved to Santiago de los Caballeros with my wife and children, where I completed my studies with Wilfredo García, taking two amateur photographing levels. I completed the two professional photographing levels. By the end of year 1981 and beginning of 1982, I met Don Kuki Cabrera, instructor of professional photography courses, and I took new courses on mid and professional photographing levels. During this time, I was instructed by a number of famous Dominican photographers, such as Domingo Batista, Marcel Morel, Vitico Cabrera, Natalio Puras (APECO) among other illustrious artists of the photographic lens.

In September, 1982, I returned to Santo Domingo, this time with the family incomplete. I looked for help at the labs and from the professional photographers to reorganize and reorient my life as a photographer in Santo Domingo. Bolívar Sánchez (Bosan Color), who at that time arrived from the United States, gave me an opportunity to open my knowledge in photographing, by lending me"Traditional Bridal Posing" a Van Moore course an excellent photographer in classic portraits. This opportunity was shared with some photographer friends, such as Miguel Peralta, Rafael Scheker, Carlos Roedán, Carlos Sanlley, José Ramón Andújar, among others.

With the help of Héctor Báez, I joined Fotógrafos Profesionales de Puerto Rico (FPPR), 1985. During this same year, I joined Professional Photographers of America, Inc. (PPA) and the Wedding Photographers International (WPI). After getting acquainted in portrait photographing, I opened my studio, "Morillo Estudio Fotográfico," in October 1987.

As I opened my studio, I subscribed myself in Monte Zucker NOTEBOOK publication, until 1994. I keep myself updated with Monte Zucker's web page, I have also participated in local and international seminars and workshops on wedding portraits, group portraits, children portraits, lighting, landscaping, and advertising, taught by the following famous photographers: Steve Sing, Ruben Marrero, Adolfo Vachier, Victor Avila, Willie Alonzo, Robert Lino, Oscar Lozoya, Fernando Blanco, among other illustrious artists of the photographic lens.

I was the special guest of the local newspapel Listin Diario twice to offert a lecture to its grafic reporter about "Techniques on Comtemporary Portrait and Social Pictures".

I participated at the Joint Exposition on Erotic Art held at the Modern Art Gallery of Santo Domingo. I also participated at the Joint Exposition of Dominican Photoraphers at the XI Festival of the Caribean Culture, held at Santiago de Cuba; and participated at the Joint "ExpositionXX Artist for a Anniversary", Banco Metropolitano, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. *

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Contact Info:
Santo Domingo, 12345  República Dominicana
PH: (809) 856.1901 y (809) 593.1703

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