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August 21, 2001
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- Saro & Luca Di Bartolo
Fond of photography since he was a young boy, in 1969 Saro started dedicating more and more attention to it and began to transform an inclination into a profession.
He and his son Luca collaborate with tour operators and with advertising, graphic-art, and marketing studios. Their interest towards history, art and the world's different civilizations has led them to visit many foreign countries, where they have taken a considerable amount of pictures. Saro & Luca have created audiovisuals for the travel trade ("The United States", "Turkey", "Ravenna and its Art") and for industry. Their articles and photographs have appeared on various pubblications.
"The cosmos rolling around us is a steady and endless mixing of curves and lines which stand side by side, run parallel together, split, go crazy, cross over each other, run away and then come back together.
While doing so they give birth to matchings and melodies, shadows and colour contrasts.
One must stop, stand still and wait, often with extreme and endless patience, and then catch them, exactly in the right spot and exactly at the right moment, neither a single second too soon nor one too late.
That's how I try to "paint" a line or two of poetry on film".
--Saro Di Bartolo
Saro & Luca's Portfolio
Images from Saro & Luca's Profotos Portfolio
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