Roberto Tolín Sommer was born in Versmold (Germany) in 1962. He is a professional photographer since 1978.
He worked as a graphic reporter for the newspaper "El Noroeste" (now closed down) since 1978 till 1980., "Sporting Magazine" 1980 to 1982, the newspaper "Hoja del Lunes de Gijón", Vuelta Ciclista a Asturias (bicycle race) 1981 and 1982.
From 1983 to 1997 he worked for Foat Asturias S.L. an aerial and industrial photography company.
He ceded underwater photographs for the book "Sea Sports Story" (Janel Cuesta 1988) and lent the underwater image of Asturias to the Expo 92.
In 1995 he did the photography work for the catalogue of the legacy of the Selgas Fagalde Foundation.
He established his own photograph company in 1997, specalized in aerial, industrial, architectural and fine arts photography as well as digital imaging.
Occasonal collaborator of different publications: Tauchen (Germany), Duiken (Holland), Apnea, Biológica, Geo, Natura and La Tierra (Spain) and the National Geographic spanish edition.
He took part with aerial and underwater images in "The big atlas of the Principality of Asturias" (Nobel) and "Natural Monuments of Asturias" (Trea)
In 1999 he make all the photographs for the books "Underwater Asturias" (Nobel) and "The Cathedral of Oviedo" (Nobel).
He is the autor of the calendars of Cajastur and The Bank of Asturias of the year 2000.
Some of his clients are: The Port Authority of Gijón, The Port Authority of Avilés, Duro Felguera Group, Cajastur, Aceralia, Ebhisa, Sociedad Regional de Turismo, Naval Gijón, Ferrovial, Ales, etc.