"Jim Going Black And White Photography is located in Olive Branch Mississippi. I have been working with B&W for over 20 years and have a wide range of material. Please take some time and view my portfolio."
"All of my images sold or distributed are signed and numbered. There will never be any more than five (5) images sold or distributed of any one image. All images are printed on archival paper. Please allow 2-4 weeks for delivery of the image once an order has been received."
Jim's images present the viewer with perspectives on his subjects, which are compelling and most of all - thought provoking. Jim's images really make you think while you are viewing them. What could be interpreted as a mere documentation of objects and places, is transformed into much more within each of Jim's photographs. His images become exciting works of art, which not only capture the subject in documentary form, but also transform the subect into a work of fine art.
Check out this portfolio - it's simply amazing!