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© Wynn White

Member Since:
July 19, 2001

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10 Design / Website Creators

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Profotos Member Profile - Wynn White

Profotos Staff Evaluation:

While many photographers of today are looking for ways to get the most out of their time to produce their images, Wynn White is satisfied with the ways of old to produce unique images, which are unparalleled in today's hustle and bustle world. The ancient traditional processing techniques employed by Wynn include: manual developing; print toning; cyanotypes; van dyke prints, and more. Wynn has been working form many years to master the old printing techniques of the masters, which go well beyond any automated process of today.

Within Wynn's images, there is a subtle quality of place, which rises above any preconceived mood or notion we may have about his photographs. This quality of place lends itself to creating a mood within each of Wynn's images, which evokes a sense of being in the photograph while viewing it. While this characteristic may sound a bit far-fetched to some, it is a definite quality which is unique to Wynn's work. This quality is exceptional, in that it goes far beyond any conscious purpose the artist may have in creating their images.

The unique qualities of Wynn's work are what contribute to his inclusion on Profotos. We invite you to experience these qualities for yourself now. Be sure to keep in mind the painstaking work Wynn has employed in each of these images - in some instances, many hours go into producing just one image on paper. This is the mark of a true master of the medium - Wynn White.

View Wynn's Portfolio

Sample Images from Wynn's Profotos Portfolio
Fine Art

Information Source:
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• Personal Website

Contact Info:
313-61 Warabi
Yotsukaido, Chiba, 284-0044  Japan
PH: 8143-240-4315

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