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© Gary Ell

Member Since:
June 5, 2001

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51 Design / Website Creators

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Profotos Member Profile - Gary Ell

Profotos Staff Evaluation:

While preparing this evaluation, one of the first notations we made was the fact that the work in Gary Ell's professional portfolio would go well beyond the scope of the space we are limited to in this evaluation. Incredible images of power and fury, intermixed with the subtle beauty and relaxing forces of nature can be found together within Gary's portfolio. The diversity of Gary's work made it difficult for us to explain just how good we think his work really is :=)

When we first viewed Gary's work, we were presented with a large body of photographs, which Gary made while working as a contractor for the U.S. Air Force (his present position). These images were among some of the best we had ever seen from the military realm of the medium. Our staff accepted Gary, upon the basis of these images alone.

It was not until we received the images for his Profotos portfolio, that we realized how diverse his portfolio really was. Not only was Gary able to produce powerful images of defense department issues, and military aircraft, but his abilities also allowed him to create images of beauty and serenity, which are in direct contrast to the striking power of his body of military work.

We will not attempt to describe the overall content of Gary's work, as it is too difficult to put into words. All we can really say is this - Gary Ell is among the top photographers in the world, in his chosen area of the medium. What more can we say?

View Gary's Portfolio

Sample Images from Gary's Profotos Portfolio
Commercial, Nature, Personal Exhibits, Photojournalism

Information Source:
• View Portfolio
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• Personal Website
• Client List

Contact Info:
247 Shreve St
Mount Holly, NJ  08060  USA
PH: 609-702-9420

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