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- Mark Geistweite
"I am often told I have a good eye for photography. I don't really know for sure what this means but take it as a complement non-the less. I believe well executed photography encompasses more than simply a good eye. This ability is manifested out of certain character traits. Curiosity, patience, sacrifice, persistence and sometimes risk are all factors I believe have helped me shape any success I have realized as a competent photographer. Curiosity serves as the initial trait to enable me to arrive at a place and select a suitable subject. Once a subject has been selected, patience will overcome the tendency to shoot and move on before the light is just right. It may often be necessary to return at a later time to make the capture under the right conditions. Most of my best images are taken long before breakfast or perhaps around dinnertime. This is where sacrifice plays a part. Climbing out of a sleeping bag and slipping out of the tent before sunrise when the air temperature is only 15 degrees does not guarantee a successful photo but is very often necessary. I have sacrificed many warm dreams or timely dinners in the off chance that something amazing will materialize. Anyone would agree that you have to be there to make it happen. It goes without saying that being there at the magic moment and not making the capture because of improper exposure or poorly executed composition can be quite disappointing. Without persistence, I would not return time and time again to redeem myself. Finally, risk is something I prefer not to take, but looking back I realize that it has also played a key role. I have risked many things while pursuing my passion and will never regret taking those risks." Mark was raised in Miami, Florida. Early family vacations to the mountains of Tennessee always filled him with excitement and adventure. Soon after High School, Mark planned a 6-month trip to the western U.S. with a close friend. His neighbor, Gene Tannenbaum, suggested the purchase of a Nikon camera Gene had seen in a newspaper ad. Marks interest in the camera was simply to document his travels. But after returning from his expedition, Marks interest in photography blossomed. Investing in additional photo equipment, he made subsequent trips to the Rocky Mountains of the west. In the late 80's, Marks company transferred him to Denver, Colorado. Weekend trips would take him to remote locations to capture the beauty of Fall. When he was transferred back east, Mark never lost his desire to return. After leaving American Golf Corporation, he returned to Montana, Wyoming and Colorado for a one-month trip and continued to pursue his passion. He now resides in Bakersfield, California with his wife, Xiaoping and daughter, Kennis Lina.
Images from Mark's Profotos Portfolio
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10804 Open Trail Rd
PH: 661-281-8895