Member Since:
January 28, 2008
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Photography Books
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to visit our photo bookstore where you can order photography books
to help you creat better images. Treat yourself to the gift of better
photography through reading!
- Don Glisson
My first year in high school my parents gave me my first
Camera. This was the argus c3. At first all the dials, knobs
And numbers were scary so a few photography classes from
School got me on my way. Living in Orlando Florida was a
Perfect place to create fun images. People loved my shots but
This was only a fun hobby. In collage I followed a passion in
Engineering. (Mechanical\Fluid Power).
After moving to Mobile, Alabama to accept an Engineering
Job I was able to meet two of the top photography pro’s in our
Area. In worked with these guy’s for many years learning everything
They had to teach. When they talk I listen. I learned weddings,
Event shooting, Mardi-Gras and Portraits. My Wife and I now
Have our own studio and are working on a larger one. Most of our
Work now is studio based on Portraits, Models, Commercial and
Fine Art.
Images from Don's Profotos Portfolio
Info: |
1293 Carlton Acres
PH: 251-379-6376
FAX: 251-694-0977